- filthy mentyara! garbage scum! the naked cockerel would crow under the hut, but the cops don’t tie up their own! -Darling, I somehow imagined the role-playing game “a policeman caught a little thief” differently...
The rooster saw the chicken in the microwave and said: “The loaf is strong... there is no one in the village to lay eggs, but here she rides on the carousel!”
-as my boyfriend says: “the less we love a woman, the more she likes us.” - Pushkin said this, stupid chickens. -this is Pushkin’s girl, it’s just an old post, everything is fine
a drunken car lady stole a traffic police baton. While drawing up the report, the woman grabbed the staff and ran into the forest, constantly threatening the inspector in the Tatar language. and her companion at that time threw dead chickens into the patrol car.