What tricks do we encounter in everyday life, and what is a life hack, anyway? Life hack refers to cracking the use of any of our daily tricks. The term originated among computer scientists, who struggled to create or restore various programs and then simply replaced missing parts with others already created by someone. The same goes for us in our daily lives, where we spend a lot of time thinking about something, so "life hack" is available to help us use various tricks to solve any problem. For example, how to open a beer if we don't have an opener? Everyone has tried to open a beer by hitting the lid with all their might before. Under the influence of gas, which is very high in beer, the lid flies off by itself, at least if you have a glass bottle with an iron lid, or if you're too lazy to try opening it with your teeth, although this option is more painful, they say it works. In our daily lives, we often think about how to solve a particular problem and put a lot of effort into it, but we often forget to use the tricks and methods of "life hack." It seems very simple, but people get used to the hard way, although there are many ways to outsmart something. We often forget about this due to fatigue in our daily lives. According to statistics, we have some everyday problems due to fatigue or due to something else. Finally, I would like to give you a few tips. If you can't do something, try to outsmart it using tricks and your brain - you'll succeed. And remember, human nerve cells can't regenerate - it's something you have to cherish!