A woman's mind is no worse than a man's! it is also productive and useful to society! remember, for example, women scientists: Marie Curie, Sofia Kovalevskaya, Marie Curie ⠀
Madonna is 55, her boyfriend is 22. Tina Turner is 75, her boyfriend is 40. J.Lo is 42, her boyfriend is 26. Mariah Carey is 44, her husband is 32. Alla Pugacheva is 64, her husband is 36. Still single? relax, your boyfriend hasn't been born yet.
-hahahahahahahaha! I mixed amphetamines into the water supply of all of Gotham. -I'll stop you! -It's too late, batmu duck! everyone is already hooked! "citywide increase in productivity. Economists are puzzled. Student scores have skyrocketed! The newspaper office is so clean, but not yet clean enough."