Wordplay is something that can turn any situation into an absurd one. The creators of memes have not failed to use wordplay - the unparalleled feature of the mighty and great Russian language. Surprised? After all, there's no need to borrow anything from foreign languages here - the features of the Russian language provide particularly resourceful people with amazing opportunities to create funny demotivators based on wordplay.
For example, does the phrase "Puh i prah" mean anything to you? No, it's not what you're thinking right now. Let's just say that a cartoon bear is not very upset about the death of his best friend. Such wordplay can completely distort the meaning of what's said or written. But nevertheless, the situation becomes funny, so there's not much to be angry about here. Therefore, creators of demotivators on the topic of wordplay are in constant search of verbal puns. You don't have to be a connoisseur of the Russian language to laugh at such a caption on a meme - it will be funny to everyone!
By the way, wordplay is not always about the richness and scope of the language. Often it is enough to have one misplaced stress or a single mistake. In this category of demotivators, memes for every taste can be found!