Memes related to "food" are perhaps one of the most popular contents on the internet. The reason is simple - we all eat and love to eat.
Memes related to our beloved grandmothers also enjoy great popularity. The direction is one: you come to visit your grandma - and you'll roll out of her house like a bowling ball. As they say, "You can't just come to your grandma's house and not eat." That's true - food from grandmother is sacred.
Food is also depicted interestingly in "expectation-reality" memes. Did you see a heart-shaped omelet in homemaking communities? - You have to try it! In reality, it turns into a mixed mess. But at least they tried.
Another direction is FitGirls who eagerly post photos of their "culinary masterpieces" made from whole lettuce leaves and chopped cucumbers in the context of the wide-spread obsession with pumped muscles and healthy eating. The caption usually says that "such food is tastier than any shashlik." Well, we know the truth...
"We survived as we could." Such memes are usually popular among seasoned students, single men, and women with wayward hands. What's particularly intriguing is the "food" made of mayonnaise on a plate decorated with a neat parsley petal.