Childhood is a fleeting time that leaves only bright memories. And each generation feels that their childhood was the best, the happiest, and the most interesting.
It is this feature that gave birth to a huge number of different childhood memes. People over the age of 25-30 think that today's children spend their time wrongly. They hardly go outside, sitting at the computer instead. At the same time, today's children do not understand what could be interesting in feeding mosquitoes during yard time, playing soccer in the heat, and so on.
As time goes by, our attitude towards childhood changes, and the older we become, the more we miss swings, games with other children, soccer, and walks by the river, and so on. As they say, "Childhood is a trial version of life, and everything else costs money."
To make this time truly unforgettable, it is worth doing various silly things, and using every minute, every day. And we, in turn, will lift our mood by browsing through childhood memes and jokes because there are enough funny moments and most of them are captured in photos. This is the essence of a successful meme with an original joke. In addition, in most of these pictures, everyone can recognize themselves in their early years.