We all played computer games as children. And everyone knows that the main thing in the game is not how many knives, guns, etc. you have, but what level you are at. And logically, the higher your level, the more confidently you can talk about which game you are addicted to. The names of these players are not noobs, but elite gamers who really know what they're doing and have everything under control.
Few can say they've played games with over 50 levels. But an 80th level is beyond a regular level, on one hand it's an incredibly cool display, on the other hand, it's a mockery of a person's knowledge and skill levels. In other words, it's the same thing only reversed. I don't know why, but "80 level" has become a benchmark for measuring someone's coolness, roughly speaking, when making memes, humorous images and demotivators.
In today's web, it's easy to find a lot of funny memes, or more accurately, it's very difficult not to notice them. You've probably seen photo memes with ridiculous guys, slicked back hair, glasses two sizes too big, shirts tucked into pants, and signed off as "Pickup artists 80 lvl", or seven hatches instead of one, which should lie on top of the asphalt so that nobody falls - "80 lvl Hatch," and everything like that. 80 lvl has become a kind of exaggeration, inadequacy, and silliness in the situation the character faces. This subject immediately found its supporters, who immediately began to post non-standard photos with the already beloved name of 80 lvl. It is believed that photo memes with the title "80 lvl" are not mean and not vulgar, so they are increasingly popular with people of all ages and nationalities.
In turn, memes of this category teach us what not to do, subtly mocking the absurdity of the situation. Thus, it teaches us how not to dress, behave or do something in normal life. Therefore, it can be confidently said that the 80 level meme has an educational character as well. The only thing worth noting is that sometimes it is necessary to listen and take notice of advice.
But honestly, people never cease to amaze, because all these photo memes are not fictional, they are not edited, but just ordinary photos of ordinary people from our yard.
The main thing is that 80 lvl memes never evoke aggression or antipathy, but only bring laughter, positivity, and a fun mood.