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scientific language
What happens if a husband sees condoms in his wife’s bag? light reflected from the packaging of condoms, passing through the transparent cornea, first hits the elastic lens. the lens, deforming, focuses on the object, as a result of which a reduced and inverted image of condoms will be projected onto the retina. The retina itself is a layer of nerve cells. which are adjacent to the rod pigment cells (react quickly to light, but do not allow one to distinguish colors) and cones (react more slowly, but do allow one to distinguish colors). signals from nerve cells enter the brain, where they are analyzed. as a result, the husband understands that these are condoms, and not, for example, a hedgehog or a can of cola.

What happens if a husband sees condoms in his wife’s bag? light reflected from the packaging of condoms, passing through the transparent cornea, first hits the elastic lens. the lens, deforming, focuses on the object, as a result of which a reduced and inverted image of condoms will be projected onto the retina. The retina itself is a layer of nerve cells. which are adjacent to the rod pigment cells (react quickly to light, but do not allow one to distinguish colors) and cones (react more slowly, but do allow one to distinguish colors). signals from nerve cells enter the brain, where they are analyzed. as a result, the husband understands that these are condoms, and not, for example, a hedgehog or a can of cola.

2015 05 24 11:33
RUSSIA St.-Petersburg